The 7th Annual African Diaspora Awards
Applause Africa’s African Diaspora Awards joins the global community in foster awareness of unity and promoting harmonious relations among disapora communities in United State and Africa. Finding ways of coordinating our efforts to a sense of being part of something greater than …
Traveling Africa: The Challenges and Opportunities
Like most Nigerians, growing up in Lagos meant I had very little knowledge of, or exposure to, the rest of the country, not to speak of the rest of the continent. Luckily, I had some family in the north of the country …
Turning Point: Making the Move to Nigeria and Back
My turning point came around the age of 7 when I tried identifying with other African-American kids in my Waterloo neighborhood. These kids were black, like me, but I did not relate to them and their struggles. It was lonely. I longed …
Why More Africans Should Be Encouraged to Pursue Their Callings and Not Their Careers
On June 11, 2016, I reached a significant milestone: I graduated with a B.S. in chemical engineering, had a job awaiting me at one of the largest corporations in the world, and I had the rest of my life planned out. Like …